Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm off!

Yay! So I finished my project (here at 7 am), finished my packing (somewhat), finished my mental preparations, and finished the rest of my milk which means...

OFF TO EUROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, well, technically we start off in London today and leave for Germany Monday where we'll be staying with the ever so awesome Rosie's grandparents. WOOCHA! take a look at the awesome backpack I get to lug around like a real hardcore traveler!Okay, bye for now! We'll try to hit an internet cafe every couple days to let people know we're still alive :)


Christine said...


I get to work 7 days a week and go to school. Woot.

Even a 1 day vacation is not in my near or distant future for that matter.


Have fun!

Nic said...

Nice pack! Did you buy it? I can't wait to go backpacking with you when you get back (in the wilderness, of course).
