Friday, August 20, 2010


For real this time, summer classes all done, Microsoft internship went awesome, moving up to Seattle in September to do full time...

Crap, reality hits me like a train.

...I need a brown paper bag

(picture of me after catching a fish thrown at me during my interview in February just cuz)

Friday, May 7, 2010

I graduated!!!

(well, technically not till summer but...)

Yay me!!! and Michelle, John, Jen, Ray, Sunny, Tommy, Braden, Brie, Dan, Torrey, and everyone I love, but forgot to mention (which I fear is a lot)!!!

Lots of love and good luck everyone!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Salt Lake Running Comp 5K!

Hi again!

Distance: 5K
Time: 28.00

So in snow/hail/rain/cold this morning was the Salt Lake Running Company's grand opening celebration, and what's a better way to celebrate than its own 5K race? The course was awesome! Well, in the it was flat, head straight north then turn around and come straight back kind of way. Thanks to the amazing volunteers who helped run the event in the cold and rain and the cops who donated there time to stop traffic for us! I ran a great race and shattered my PR!!! No more 32:30's for me!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Warning, possibly way WAY TMI, but feel free to continue

Wednesday April 21, 4 miles

mile 1: great
mile 2: pretty great
mile 3: not quite so great
mile 4: not great... as in get me to a bush and FAST not great


I do so solemnly swear to never again consume sugary slushy substances within 60 minutes of a run for as long as I live

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hey, it's been a while, but... Run Like Health 5K!

Hey, my first real 5K race!

April 10th, 2010

distance: 5K
time: 32.10.47

Not bad for my very first 5k considering it was 75% uphill! Started at Rice Eccles, around the stadium, down a bit, up to Merril Engineering, up and around the union, down a bit, up to the Museum of Fine Arts, down and around the library and down and up back to Rice Eccles. Had an awesome time considering I had only gotten an hour of sleep the night before and worked the rest of the day away on our senior project, but awesome! (and made some new friends, too!)

Next on my calendar, Salt Lake Running Company 5K on May 1st!