Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the British have some CRAZY tastes

Every time I go grocery shopping I never get over the shock/revulsion/amazement of all the different flavors of potato chips (or, as the British like to say 'crisps') the locals enjoy. Instead of NORMAL flavors like sour cream, ranch, nacho cheese, etc, here are a list of all the crazy flavours I've discovered...

roast chicken (this one's just disgusting)
roast beef
salt and vinegar (okay, they have this one in the states, too, but I still think it's weird)
extra salted
extra vinegar
sweet caramel (on POTATO CHIPS?! come on, that's just wrong!)
extra cheese (this one's not SO bad, but it's just cheese and no spicy goodness)
chile (not too bad, but you have to get used to it)

That just about covers it. Now, off to class!


Unknown said...

bring me some roast beef chips please^_^

Christine said...

OMG! I can't believe you don't like Salt and vinegar chips. They are a pregnant woman's best friend. I recently discovered Kettle Brand Salt and Vinegar chips which are just to die for. They're like what I would bring if I were stuck on a desert island. And no, I'm not pregnant.