Tuesday, April 7, 2009

hm... it's been a while

hi all! It's been a while hasn't it? well, I'm still alive and kicking in the, well, currently rainy wet beaches of Barcelona! Man, I wish I could update you guys with some pictures but unfortunately you can't upload any pictures via msds, so that'll have to wait until I get back!

But let's see, so where did I leave off? Rome I think? that was cool, we did the coloseum, forum, paladin hill, and all your typical tourist stuff. Then we hit Naples which was, well, let's just say it had its charm. Luckily we only toured the city for a day before jutting off to Pompei which was AMAZING!!! you were allowed to walk around the entire ruined city which was huge! We were lucky and evaded the rain for the first time since that start of the trip and had a gorgeous sunny day before heading off to southern France, and oh my was that beautiful! By far my favorite place so far, we stayed in Nice and took a day trip to Monte Carlo where the water was crystal clear blue... but freazing cold. But that certainly didn't stop me from spending a couple hours in the water before being dragged out by my travel buddies. But for now, we'll see what Barcelona has to offer!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

did you feel the earthquake that happened in italy?